(2) PS OHora (Sonny Says "Mine!", rev. 9/21; Fuzzy, Inside & Out) employs his signature bold outlines and vibrant acrylic colors in this rollicking story of shaggy gray dog-child Elise and the adoring little sister, Rosemont, who emulates her every move. Elise usually likes to spend time with her sibling, but she cannot stand being copied. When Elise dresses as a pickle on Halloween, Rosemont dons a cornichon costume. When Elise wears ribbons or learns to play the sousaphone, guess who does the same? Rosemont even takes credit for the cookie soup Elise invented. OHora throws in funny visual gags during these scenes of comical distress. A black cat reacts in shock to Rosemont's Halloween outfit. Tiny Rosemont plays her sousaphone inside Elise's larger instrument. Making cookie soup also means making quite a mess. The book uses some comics conventions, including occasional panels; the irregular shape of some speech bubbles reflects the turbulent emotions Elise feels. Things reach a crisis point at a friend's birthday party: Rosemont not only crashes the celebration, but also copies Elise's gift of a homemade rainstick (instructions appended). Elise angrily leaves the event, but Rosemont comes to her aid. An enjoyable, storytime-ready, sibling-themed romp.


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