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Illustrated by
Rachel Hudson.
A fictional American Crow named Oki is the focus of Savage’s introduction to the species. A dense text follows along as Oki hatches, learns to fly and find food, ventures away from her nest to meet new birds, and finally has hatchlings of her own. Detailed crow facts are incorporated in a natural way; the information is accompanied by flat illustrations (final art unseen). An author’s note, glossary, resources, and an index (unseen) are appended.
64 pp.
| Tricycle
| May, 2001
TradeISBN 1-58246-019-1$$15.95
PaperISBN 1-58246-020-5$$9.95
Lively text and plentiful period photographs introduce the riding feats of the girls and women who achieved fame training wild horses a hundred and more years ago. Topical segments of text move along smoothly, describing family life on the frontier, the women's gear, their accomplishments on ranches, and their entry into show riding, rodeos, and stampedes. Bib., glos., ind.
Reviewer: Margaret A. Bush
| Horn Book Magazine Issue:
July, 2001
2 reviews
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