Lunde, Darrin

Dinosaurs Can Be Small

(2) PS Illustrated by Ariel Landy . Six familiar and quite large dinosaurs or prehistoric reptiles are paired with structurally or behaviorally similar -- but tinier -- species (readers can refer to helpful insets for illustrations showing to-scale size comparisons). The "meat-eating" Tyrannosauru has a smaller relative, Compsognathus, also a carnivore, but with a diet of insects. The "dome-headed" Pachycephalosaurus is matched with the aptly named owner of the longest dinosaur species name: Micropachycephalosaurus. Simple sentences, repeated across the pages, emphasize structure-function relationships. The cartoonlike illustrations of the dinosaurs engaged in hunting, swimming, eating, and flying use soft features and expressive eyes to keep the mood friendly -- even through the meteor strike that killed off the large dinosaurs and left the smaller, birdlike dinosaurs alive. An appended glossary gives the Greek origins of each species name.


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