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32 pp.
| Transit |
May, 2024 |
TradeISBN 9781945492877$19.95
SpanishISBN 9781945492884$19.95
Translated by Shook.
Illustrated by
Azul López.
In this evocative picture book originally published in Mexico, painterly illustrations and poetic text ponder the existence of a mysterious invisible giant. “He wasn’t hard to see,” the first page says of the giant, but the image -- an overhead view of dark, stormy sea -- reveals no giant; on the next pages, a huge footprint appears in the negative space within a flock of “seagulls like insects.” Suggestive images that vary in perspective continue to allude to the titular giant, while the text speaks of the story the author would tell “if” the giant came to shore. Perplexing? Yes, but curious readers will enjoy mining each spread of gorgeous, expansive art for meaning.