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Illustrated by
Sirin Thada.
This tribute to the life and artistry of the iconic musician offers readers a chance to delve into Prince's (1958–2016) evolution from music-loving child to determined young adult set on conquering the industry. Born Prince Rogers Nelson and named for his father's jazz band, he was drawn to music from the start: "Music called out to Prince and he wanted to learn how to make it." A lyrical and accessible text illuminates Prince's artistry, highlighting the obstacles he overcame (such as the ridicule he faced for his height and the emotional toll of his parents' divorce) and painting a compelling picture of his resilience -- culminating in the iconic release of the movie and soundtrack for Purple Rain and ending with his 2007 Super Bowl performance. Thada's illustrations enrich the narrative with vibrant, textured images that seem to dance alongside the words. Her use of bold purples, blues, and gold, combined with "colored pencil and aqueous media," brings Prince's electrifying stage presence and his more introspective moments to life. One spread shows Prince mid-leap, diving off the stage into the audience, conveying the energy and intimacy of his live performances. Thada also includes visual nods to Prince's memorable outfits that longtime fans will appreciate.
| Horn Book Magazine Issue:
January, 2025