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40 pp.
| Little
| May, 2024
TradeISBN 9780316330664$18.99
SpanishISBN 9780316566513$8.99
Miguel and his abuelito wake early to work; the grandfather sells cold coconuts from a small, wheeled cart, and the boy sells dream catchers he makes, a craft that reminds him of his absent (perhaps deceased?) parents. The boy is saving up to buy an airplane, his dream. As they make their way through town selling their wares, they talk about what people might dream of. Some dreams are big, such as living in a castle or changing the world; others are smaller, such as having enough food. Miguel's grandfather reiterates that "selling my cold coconuts next to you and seeing you smile is all I dream of. I like it here and now because we're together." There is a powerful interplay between the words and Verdad's acrylic paint and digital collage illustrations, dominated by blocky shapes and crayon-like textures. This is most poignantly displayed when the grandfather tells Miguel that some people dream of seeing someone they miss as the boy gazes at two parents walking with their young child. Verdad shows artistic restraint, allowing the reader to intuit meaning and emotional depth by interpreting what this interaction and others like it mean. A moving story of appreciating what you have while still dreaming of a different future.
40 pp.
| Little
| June, 2016
TradeISBN 978-0-316-27729-7$16.99
In Rory's second adventure (Rory the Dinosaur: Me and My Dad), the young dinosaur decides he wants a pet after seeing how much fun his sloth friend has with a pet hermit crab. Rory's search is unsuccessful--until a coconut "follows" him home and proves a perfect pet. Spare digitally rendered illustrations capture Rory's tender care of and playtime with "George."
24 pp.
| Bearport
| March, 2016
LibraryISBN 978-1-62724-842-6$23.93
See It Grow series.
Each book asks: "How did it get that way?" A very simple text then focuses on the botanical science of its subject as it grows from a seed into its various stages, each illustrated by bright, clearly labeled photographs. Kids with green thumbs will enjoy learning about these common items in their yards or on their plates. Reading list. Glos., ind. Review covers these See It Grow titles: Cranberry, Coconut, [cf2f]Pumpkin, [cf]Oak Tree, Sunflower, and Apple.