Brinkerhoff, Shirley

Drug Therapy and Childhood and Adolescent Disorders

(4) YA Psychiatric Disorders: Drugs and Psychology for the Mind and Body series. Each book in this in-depth series begins with a chapter defining a disorder; it devotes its remaining pages to discussing drug therapies, including how they work on the brain and their side effects. Although photos, cartoons, art reproductions, charts, sidebars, and margin glossaries add interest, the books will probably draw report writers only. There are fourteen other fall 2003 books in this series. Reading list, websites. Ind. Review covers these Psychiatric Disorders: Drugs and Psychology for the Mind and Body titles: Drug Therapy and Childhood and Adolescent Disorders, Drug Therapy and Eating Disorders, Drug Therapy and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Drug Therapy and Schizophrenia, and Drug Therapy and Sexual Disorders.


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