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48 pp.
| Disney/Hyperion
| July, 2023
TradeISBN 9781368059589$18.99
Bruce the bear's family of mice and geese tries to get him in the Halloween mood by acting out "The Legend of Soggy Hollow." Mouse Nibbs is the Horseless Horseman (complete with jack-o'-lantern head) and reluctant Bruce plays protagonist "Icky Bob." A romantic scene with Camilla the moose sends him fleeing from her into the forest...alongside the real Horseless Horseman of Soggy Hollow. This tongue-in-cheek retelling of Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is cleverly faithful to the source material and an excellent addition to the Mother Bruce series. Amusing speech-bubble dialogue, animated character reactions, and seasonally hued action-packed panels help build Higgins's story to a spirited ending for all involved, including readers.
Reviewer: Cynthia K. Ritter
| Horn Book Magazine Issue:
September, 2023
32 pp.
| Sleeping Bear
| May, 2018
TradeISBN 978-1-58536-380-3$16.99
Illustrated by
David C. Gardner.
In 1893, a fearful five-year-old Russian-Jewish boy named Israel arrives on Ellis Island. Renamed Irving Berlin, his life story and contributions to American music as a composer are simply and engagingly told. Lighthearted watercolor illustrations underscore the story's action and musicality; a final picture shows Berlin gazing once again at the Statue of Liberty at age 101. An author's note and suggested songs are appended. Reading list.
40 pp.
| Disney-Hyperion
| June, 2018
TradeISBN 978-1-368-01576-9$18.99
Illustrated by
Rob Polivka.
Russian-Jewish composer Irving Berlin immigrated to New York as a child and had a successful songwriting career, including penning the patriotic "God Bless America." This free-verse biography outlines Berlin's life but unfortunately reserves most details for a lengthy author's note. Nuchi cleverly incorporates sounds to express emotions and actions ("a boom-rah-rah song"), while Polivka's detailed illustrations capture early-to-mid-twentieth-century American scenes. Timeline, websites. Bib.
Calico Chapter Books: Adventures in Extreme Reading series.
Illustrated by
Scott Altmann.
When Uncle Dan's virtual-reality computer program that immerses readers in books is hacked, cousins Carter and Izzy head into the stories to stop the violator. Each title in this tech-savvy series focuses on a different classic novel; some may be confusing to readers unfamiliar with the original, but overall these books could serve as gateways to classic literature for children. Review covers these Adventures in Extreme Reading titles: The Calm Before the Storm, Hack Attack, Lightning Strikes Twice, and Trapped in Stormy Seas.
391 pp.
| Simon Pulse
| September, 2011
TradeISBN 978-1-4169-7897-8$17.99
Abbey (The Hollow, The Haunted), destined to become a Shade like her ghostly soulmate Caspian, desperately tries to delay her death. A group of Revenants protects her, but rogue Revenant Vincent just wants to use Abbey. Scenes of Abbey and Caspian enjoying the one day a year he becomes corporeal are a bit long and indulgent, but romance fans won't mind.
471 pp.
| Simon Pulse
| August, 2010
TradeISBN 978-1-4169-7895-4$17.99
Months after the events of The Hollow, Abbey is convinced that her relationship with ghost Caspian was a delusion. Just as the two are reunited, revenants arrive to kill Abbey and bind her spirit to Caspian's for eternity. As in the previous installment, spunky Abbey makes a compelling heroine; the Legend of Sleepy Hollow connection is somewhat better developed here.
517 pp.
| Simon Pulse
| September, 2009
TradeISBN 978-1-4169-7893-0$17.99
Having vanished near Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Abbey's best friend Kristen is presumed dead. Desperate for clues, Abbey reads Kristen's diary and uncovers her secret life. Abbey also accrues some secrets of her own: a mysterious boyfriend, late-night visits to the cemetery, two elderly friends. This supernatural romance falters with a stretched connection to Washington Irving's classic tale, but Abbey herself is compellingly real.
Graphic Planet: Graphic Horror series.
Illustrated by
Jeff Zornow.
These comic-book versions of classic and original horror tales are generally well served by the format (though the font is tiny). The dark-toned illustrations help build suspense, and characters are clearly delineated as good or evil. Readers unfamiliar with the originals may be inspired to seek them out. Most stories feature violence but not an abundance of gore. Review covers these Graphic Planet: Graphic Horror titles: Frankenstein, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, The Creature from the Depths, Mummy, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and Werewolf.
44 pp.
| National
| October, 2008
TradeISBN 978-1-4263-0438-5$17.95
LibraryISBN 978-1-4263-0439-2$27.90
"Wash" is best known for his Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle tales. Here, readers also learn about his personal life: he was named for (and met at age six) George Washington; he knew Aaron Burr, Lord Byron, and Mary Shelley; he had close scrapes with pirates. Quotes from Irving are included among the illustrations, which are packed with historical details. Timeline. Bib.
32 pp.
| Farrar
| April, 2007
TradeISBN 978-0-374-36308-6$17.00
Illustrated by
Leonard Everett Fisher.
Don't be fooled by the title, which suggests a sequel: this is a straightforward (if wordy) retelling of Washington Irving's classic cautionary tale about the dangers of lazing one's life away (although Kimmel does give Rip the opportunity to redeem himself). The accompanying paintings, with key characters and objects smartly outlined in black, are historically accurate.
128 pp.
| Morgan
| July, 2003
LibraryISBN 1-931798-12-5$$21.95
Modern Music Masters series.
Brimming with well-documented information, this biography traces the composer's life, from his Russian birth as Israel Beilin in 1888 to his death at age 101. The book highlights Berlin's contributions to American music, from Tin Pan Alley to Broadway, films, and individual hits. Black-and-white photos illustrate the text. A timeline and list of major songs are appended. Bib., ind.
48 pp.
| Mitchell
| October, 2003
LibraryISBN 1-58415-215-X$$19.95
Masters of Music series.
These well-researched books relate biographical details of the composers' lives, emphasizing the circumstances surrounding their musical education and compositions. The text is illustrated with photos and reproductions in a dull design, and each chapter has an "FYI" page that supplies further cultural details of varying relevance. Chronologies and lists of works are appended. Reading list, websites. Glos., ind. [Review covers these Masters of Music titles: The Life and Times of George Frideric Handel, The Life and Times of Irving Berlin, The Life and Times of Johann Sebastian Bach, The Life and Times of Johannes Brahms, The Life and Times of Peter Ilyich Tschaikovsky, The Life and Times of Felix Medelssohn, The Life and Times of John Philip Sousa, and The Life and Times of Stephen Foster.]
112 pp.
| Morgan
| November, 1999
TradeISBN 1-883846-50-1$$19.95
World Writers series.
The author of "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is profiled in a flattering biography that focuses on his life as a writer and as the American envoy to Spain. Although the prose is capable, the book doesn't explore Irving's literary work with any depth, nor does it adequately explain its continuing popularity. Black-and-white reproductions, a time line, and a list of major works are included. Bib., ind.