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Illustrated by
Tim Miller.
An egg tumbles down a mountain and lands beside another egg. The jostling causes them both to hatch, one after the other. First out comes Duckie, wide-eyed, loquacious, and looking for a friend. Then there's Snaps, a crocodile who'd just as soon beat it: "Well...Goodbye!" Duckie lays out a convincing case for staying to play, but just as Snaps seems ready to relent, an adult-looking croc comes by: "No. You cannot be friends" because "We. EAT. Duckies!" Snaps is confused: "I had no idea! I JUST GOT HERE!" After some hysterics on everyone's part, a creative culinary solution leads to the promise of lasting friendship and appetite satisfaction (fun fact: crocodiles do eat fruit). Speech bubble-heavy text with thoughtful use of repetition enhances comprehension and enjoyment. Digitally colored pen-and-ink illustrations (a mix of scene-setting introductory spreads, varied panels, and single pages) feature crisp black lines, bold hues, and slapstick-y interactions between an unlikely duo -- who, in terms of friendship, turn out to be very lucky ducks.