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40 pp.
| Random/Schwartz |
April, 2025 |
TradeISBN 9780593705100$18.99
LibraryISBN 9780593705117$21.99
EbookISBN 9780593705124$10.99
Rose's grandfather is a rug weaver, working mornings in a factory and weaving in the afternoon for friends and family on his at-home loom. Rose loves watching Baba joon's deft hands tie thousands of knots that become a beautiful garden of wool. Taking inspiration from their own garden, Rose draws a design for a rug, which Baba joon cheerfully agrees to teach her to weave. The two make colorful dyes from the garden -- using poppies for red, saffron for yellow, roses for pink, and indigo for blue. Then they dry the dyed yarn in their sunny courtyard. They work side by side, day after day, Baba joon knotting "quickly, quickly" and Rose "slowly, slowly," until one day he falls ill. Rose decides to finish the half-done rug, envisioning the two of them having tea in the garden together, sitting on the rug after it is completed. When Baba joon gets better, roles reverse as Rose now ties quickly and Baba joon more slowly. Kheiriyeh's affectionate narrative of intergenerational love, learning, and appreciation of beauty is based on her own experience with her beloved grandfather in Iran and the artistry of his craft. Textured illustrations in oil and acrylics lean into the natural color palette, while details such as furnishings and architectural elements add atmosphere.