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40 pp.
| Algonquin |
January, 2025 |
TradeISBN 9781523528387$18.99
Pungent, salty, silky soy sauce takes center stage in this playful picture book honoring the centuries-old condiment and the time and care taken to make it. Follow along while Luan, Haru, and Yoo-mi express their love for it as they share meals with their relatives. The tasty rush of the sauce and the happiness the kids experience creating it pop on pages bursting with energetic text and imaginative illustrations. In one picture, the trio goes on a wild rafting ride in a sea of the savory sauce; in another section, they dream and dance amid a forest of bubbles as the liquid brews. The abundant pictures of dishes that use soy sauce -- dumplings, noodles, sushi, kimbap, tofu -- enhance the visual feast. Back matter provides a short history of the condiment with information on regional differences by country and fermentation techniques. A great read-aloud for budding foodies and fans of Hot Pot Night! by Chen, Bee-bim Bop! by Park, and Dim Sum for Everyone! by Lin.
Reviewer: Michelle Lee
| Horn Book Magazine Issue:
March, 2025